Privacy statement
The following privacy conditions apply to this website:
How long we keep personal data does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data are collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data:
Category: Website visitors
Data: Pseudo-anonymous data
Retention period: 26 months
Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. uses cookies with purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example, your preferences are remembered. These cookies are also used to make the website work properly and to optimize it. On your first visit to our website, we have already informed you about these cookies and have asked permission to place them. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously saved via the settings of your browser. Changing the cookie preferences is always possible with the link in the footer.
Used cookies
Google Analytics (statistics): Measuring behavior on websites by using anonymous Pseudo-anonymous data.
Facebook (statistics): Measuring behavior on websites by using anonymous Pseudo-anonymous data.